Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Core Java interview questions

The Following are the main Core Java Questions.

1.  What is a class and objects explain with example?

2.  What is a method?
3.  How to access methods in class?
4.  Difference between instance variables and static variables?
5.  What is inheritance? Different types of inheritance?
6.  What is polymorphism?
7.  Method overloading and overriding?
8.  Explain about Different types of Access Specifiers?
9.  Difference between Abstract class and interface?
10. What is Exception?
11. Different types of Exception handling?
12. What is checked and unchecked exceptions?
13. How you can handle Exceptions?
14. What is collection framework?
15. Different types of Collections?
16. what is List?
17. What is Set?
18. What is Map?
19. Difference between List, Set and Map?
20. Explain about Threads?
21. What is wrapper classes?


  1. I think there are Inner Classes, Aggregation, Reflection API, Built-in Methods like String Handling Methods, Date & Time, Number, Character Methods, Constructors, Destructors(using System.gc()). to be included.

  2. What is internationalisation in CoreJava

  3. How to use DownCasting & Upcasting in terms of Class Concept in Core Java

  4. What is Aggregation (HAS-A) relationship in Core Java?

  5. Briefly explain about Reflection API?
